TC Pricing Table Pro , a WordPress Pricing table plugin, has the following Rich Features:
Free & Pro Version
- Responsive Pricing Table.
- Simple and Light Weight.
- Supported all Modern browsers
- Unlimited Tables.
- Unlimited Rows and columns.
- Table Header Row & Column background text color changeable.
- Table body background text color changeable.
- Call To Action Button background text color changeable.
- Work with all WordPress theme.
- Automatic Shortcode Generate for each Table.
Only Pro Version
- 10 different nice looking flat themes.
- 5 different column in a row. 2,3,4,5,6 columns available in a row.
- column box can be Rectangle and round shape.
- Unlimited pricing tables, columns and rows.
- Advanced settings for individual table.
- Each table style,column,theme will be different.
- Unlimited tables with unlimited rows and Columns can be created.
- Column border normal and hover Color is changeable.
- Border can be hide or show.
- Unlimited package features can be added .put a comma to separate them.
- Column title , features, background normal and hover color is change able.
- Action buttons background and text color is changeable.
- Column title,subtitle ,price,features font size can be managed.
- Features texts can be highlighted with changeable color.
- Mark any column to make it highlited/featured with ribbon.
- 4 ribbons styles and the background color , text color are changeable.
- Font Awesome icon support before features text.
- Optimized coding standard,lightweight plugin.
- Margin/space between columns can be enabled/disabled.
- And many more….
Key Features
Best Support
Best Support though Email , Skype and Live messaging .
TC Pricing Tables Themes with Design Variations:
Theme 10

Theme 9
Theme 6
Theme 5
Theme 4

Theme 3
Theme 2

Theme 1
Some Back End Screenshots:
TC Pricing Table is a responsive WordPress Pricing table plugin .TC Pricing Table helps to create unlimited clean and flat design based pricing table in your WordPress website. You can add Unlimited packages with unlimited features.Your website visitors will easily understand and compair the features .
Licence : Single Site License, Developer’s License.
Product Category : WordPress Plugin
Latest Version : 1.2
Requires : WordPress 3.2 or higher.
Tested Up To : 4.6.1
Language support : English
20 November 2016 - 1.4.1 ( Current Version )
=> Added html5 decimal number input support.
Sep 26 , 2016 - 1.3
=> Responsive issue solved
Sep 26 , 2016 - v1.2
=> Minor CSS issue solved
Sep 23 , 2016 - v1.1
=>Pro 1.1 Version released.
The Free Version is available on the WordPress Plugin Directory .